
UPD: Go to VK ads

VK announced the postponement of the deadlines for closing goals in VK Target. Changes:

  • until July 1, you can start new campaigns and replenish the budget;
  • active campaigns will continue to run until July 31st.

We are talking about the work of the goals "Sites", "Promotion of communities", "Universal post", "Record with a button", "Advertising a personal page".

MyTarget formats will close on schedule (format closing dates have not been changed).

More tools will be available soon in VK Ads. Upcoming launches:

  1. Promotion of mini-applications;
  2. Dynamic promotion of goods from communities;
  3. Square creatives in advertising of communities and mini-applications;
  4. Community targeting;
  5. Transferring audiences from the VK account;
  6. Gathering audiences by reactions;

VK collects feedback. Based on it, they build their products and plans, so they strongly recommend sharing user experience and continuing to test the new platform.